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After choosing for so long, you still can’t find the roller you want?

Date: Jul 05, 2024 Views:

First of all, according to the mechanical principle of the road roller is usually divided into static roller and vibration type two.

Static roller can be divided into two-wheel light wheel roller, three-wheel light wheel roller and tire roller.

Vibratory roller can be divided into tire-driven single drum vibratory roller, double drum drive roller and cam vibratory roller.

1. First move

Selection according to soil structure

In general, tire-driven single drum vibratory roller is suitable for crushing non-cohesive materials such as gravel, crushed stone, sand and gravel mix, sandy soil, etc.; double drum vibratory roller is 

suitable for compacting asphalt concrete, sand and gravel mix and dry hard cement concrete, which is the general construction equipment for high-grade highways, municipal roads, parking lots 

and industrial sites.

2. Second Tip

Select according to the construction requirements

Usually the same tonnage of roller, vibratory roller rolling thickness and efficiency is static roller roller 2~3 times, so we come to this conclusion:

In order to effectively improve the construction progress, some of the alpine time is longer, shorter construction season in the region should be considered to choose vibratory roller; and in the 

mountainous areas of highway or mountain soil loose work site construction is appropriate to choose the static roller, this is because the vibratory roller produced by the excitation force is easy to 

cause the mountain collapse, landslides, the occurrence of construction accidents in turn affects the progress of the construction.

3. Tip number three.

Choose based on value for money

"A penny for a penny". If you have enough money in hand, do not care about the project settlement cycle, you can run directly to the big brands. But if "non-mogul", cost-effective may be the most 

important thing to consider. We do the project, the main thing is not "show off", but in order to ensure quality and quantity on time to complete the project progress. So as long as the quality of the 

machine is over the case, the lower the cost the better. How to choose cost-effective road roller? First look at the brand, the more time-tested brand is more trustworthy, the engineering industry 

basically do more than ten years are almost with the conditions of sustainable business; next look at the region, it is very simple, "China's machinery 6 concentration" prices are low, because of the 

convenience of resource integration; and finally look at the service, pre-sales, after-sales calls to play through! Finally, the service, pre-sale and after-sale phone calls should be through, the attitude

 should be good, can solve the problem.

Hengwang Group is located in Jining, Shandong Province, the famous city of machinery, engaged in research and development and production of construction machinery products for 

many years, quality is guaranteed, relying on the advantages of resource integration, the price than some non-centralized production areas to be much lower.

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