HW10-4C Mini Excavator

Training on Arrival
One-year warranty
Factory Direct
Basic Specifications:

Operation weight: 1000kg
Bucket capacity: 0.025m³
Rated Power: 13.5hp

Hengwang Group aims to provide you with complete engineering equipment solutions to reduce your costs and increase your profits.

HW-10 Mini Excavator Features:

  1 ton mini excavator passed EPA /CE/Euro 5 certificate,Whether it's excavation, leveling, or handling, our small excavator is capable of handling everything. Its versatility will bring more flexibility to your construction site.

Applicable scenarios:

Small construction sites/ Urban renovation projects/ Narrow space excavation/ Landscape design



EngineBelton Gasoline Engine
Rotary Motor BrandEaton
Travel Motor BrandEaton
Bucket Volume(m³)0.025
Length Width Height(mm)2550*930*1330
Maximum Digging Depth(mm)1320
Maximum Digging Height(mm)2490
Maximum Unloading Height(mm)1750
Maximum Digging Radius(mm)2400
Minimum Turning Radius(mm)1190

The HW10-4C mini excavator is well-suited for tasks such as loosening soil in vegetable greenhouses, landscaping projects, planting and digging in orchard nurseries, crushing concrete pavements, and executing construction operations in confined spaces. Our products are certified by the US EPA.


1 Ton Mini Excavator Reviews:




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    All products are guaranteed for 12 months!