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What are the contraindications when using a road roller? What to pay attention to?

Date: Jul 25, 2024 Views:

What are the contraindications when using a road roller? What to pay attention to?

Road rollers need to pay attention to the following taboos and safety matters when using them:

1. Before starting, you must check whether there are people or obstacles around the road roller to ensure safety .

2. Check whether the fuel, hydraulic oil, coolant is normal, and whether the cab glass and reflector are clean and bright. 3.

3. Before starting, sound the horn as a warning; after starting, check whether the instrument is normal, and start working only when there is no alarm sound.

4. The rubber roller should use low speed when working, pay attention to the surrounding environment, and sound the siren or clear the obstacles in advance.

5. When several rollers are working together, keep a safe distance between them and drive at a low speed on the slope to prevent inertia and slippage.

6. Maintenance or refueling is strictly prohibited during operation, and the driver is not allowed to leave the machine, and it is strictly prohibited to wear slippers, shorts, sandals and headphones for 


7. The road roller should be parked in a flat and solid place, with triangular wooden blocks to plug the wheels, roadside parking should be a good warning .

8. When loading and unloading the truck, choose a flat place and be directed by experienced personnel to ensure safety.

9. The roller operator should set up the idea of safety first, strictly abide by the operating procedures to avoid personnel and equipment damage.

10. Prohibit the roller from shifting gears and skidding when traveling on the ramp. 11.

11. It is strictly prohibited to tow the roller by traction method, and it is not allowed to tow other machines with the roller. 12.

12. When changing the running direction, wait until the roller stops before operation, and it is forbidden to use the reversing clutch as a brake. 13.

13. When several rollers are working at the same time, the distance between them shall not be less than 5 meters, and it is forbidden to drive longitudinally on the slope.

14. Work on the new roadbed should be slowed down, not close to the edge of the roadbed, and pay attention to the edge of the changes to prevent the collapse. 15.

15. When the roller is parked, it is not allowed to be put on the edge of the road, slope or pothole water, if it needs to be parked on the slope due to special reasons, it should be well staked to 

prevent slippage. 16.

16. It is forbidden to vibrate the roller on solid ground. 17.

17. When rolling soft roadbed, it should be rolled in non-vibratory condition for 1 or 2 times first, and then vibratory rolling should be carried out .

18. The vibration frequency should be consistent, and for adjustable rollers, the vibration frequency should be adjusted before operation. 19.

19. Adjustment of the reversing clutch, vibration clutch and brake should be carried out after the main clutch is disengaged.

20. The vibration should not be engaged when driving at high speed, and the vibration should be stopped when stopping the machine, and the reversing mechanism should be placed in the middle 


The above taboos and precautions are essential to ensure the safe use of the roller and the safety of the operator.

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