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Can excavators operate properly in the rain? What to look out for?

Date: Jul 16, 2024 Views:

Excavators require special attention to safety and maintenance when operating in the rain, as there are greater risks associated with working in the rain, including slippery ground, reduced visibility 

and the possibility of the machine being affected by moisture. Here are some important considerations:

1. Surveying and tool preparation: When working in areas where there is obviously a lot of water or deep silt, a surface excavator should be used or wait for the soil to harden before starting work. 

The operator should carry steel ropes and plates to avoid getting into the mud easily .

2. Downhill operation: Pay attention to the posture when going downhill, it is better to go downhill at 90 degrees, and consider how to go uphill and leave a good retreat. The driving wheel goes 

down first, and the guiding wheel is in the direction of the retreat road to avoid insufficient track adhesion when climbing the slope .

3. Precautions during operation: Move gently and avoid violent shaking that leads to fast plunging. When the chain belt is plunged into half of the time, it should be withdrawn in time, pay attention 

to the chain belt all around to avoid idling leading to overturning. Do not stick the bucket into the sticky mud, especially when working on slopes and near water .

4. Hydraulic system maintenance: the hydraulic system is easy to be damp in rainy days, the hydraulic oil should be checked and replaced regularly to make sure there is no leakage in the hydraulic 


5. Anti-skid measures: Install anti-skid chain strips or snow tires on the tracks or tires, lay anti-skid mat boards or straw and other materials to reduce the slippery ground .

6. Cleaning and rust prevention: wash the excavator in time after rain to prevent sludge accumulation leading to rust. Carry out undercarriage care and paint protection to prevent rain erosion.

7. Ignition starting: the engine may not start easily in rainy days due to wetness, check the distributor and wiring, and use desiccant if necessary.

8. Parking: After the work is finished, park the excavator on a high, hard, open ground, avoiding the river, slopes or high points of the slope.

9. Night work: Keep all lights and wipers working properly to ensure the safety of night work.

10. Observe the environment: check whether the construction site is soft before construction, observe whether there is a risk of landslide before construction in mountainous areas, and stop 

construction and find a support point once you feel the excavator sinking during construction.

In short, when working in the rainy day, the operator should observe the surrounding situation in advance, do the preparatory work according to his ability, don't take any chances in the operation, 

always observe and exit the dangerous area in time.

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