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How many types of road rollers are there and can it only be used to roll roads?

Date: Jun 28, 2024 Views:

Types of road rollers:

1. Bare wheel rollers: use smooth wheel surfaces for compaction, mainly applied to the compaction operation of asphalt and concrete pavements.

2. Tire rollers: use wide tires for compaction, suitable for compaction of flexible grass-roots level.

3. Vibratory rollers: increase the compaction effect by vibration, suitable for compaction of various thicknesses of paving layers and materials.

4. Static rollers: rely on their own weight for compaction, suitable for early road works and soil compaction.

5. Steel wheel rollers: usually refers to bare wheel or groove roller, suitable for compaction of hard materials.

6. Combination rollers: may combine the characteristics of bare wheel and tire rollers for specific compaction work

And how do rollers work?

The roller acts on the material by its weight and/or vibration to achieve the desired density and flatness. Modern rollers may have advanced technologies such as hydraulic maneuvering, articulated steering structures, and all-wheel drive to improve maneuverability and compaction performance

Road rollers are used in a variety of projects including, but not limited to, road construction, airport runways, dams, building foundations, etc.

Certain safety procedures should be followed when operating the roller, such as initial rolling without vibration before vibratory rolling, and prohibiting the use of the vibratory function on firm ground.

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