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How to choose a forklift (2)

Date: Jun 26, 2024 Views:

1. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): Evaluate the purchase cost, operating costs, maintenance costs and possible environmental costs of a forklift to choose the option that is most cost-effective in the long term.

2. Controllability and safety: New electric forklifts usually have better controllability and safety, and are equipped with intelligent vehicle management systems that can set a variety of operating parameters to improve safety.

3. Technological innovation and smart manufacturing: Consider the technological advancement of forklifts, such as battery technology (conversion from lead-acid batteries to lithium batteries), and 

the level of smart manufacturing.

4. Brand and after-sales service: Choose a well-known brand of forklift to ensure quality and after-sales service, while considering the availability of accessories and the coverage of the service 


5. Special forklift requirements: If the operating environment is special, such as cold storage, handling of flammable and explosive materials, or field operations, you need to choose the 

corresponding special forklift, such as cold storage type, explosion-proof type or off-road forklift.

6. Attachment selection: According to the diversity of goods being transported, select suitable forklift attachments, such as clamps, hooks, side shifters, etc., to improve operating efficiency.

Lifting quality and lifting height: Choose a forklift with appropriate lifting capacity and lifting height based on the weight of the goods and the height to be lifted.

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