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Do you really know about road rollers?

Date: Jun 24, 2024 Views:

Road rollers are mainly divided into static rollers and vibratory rollers according to their working principles. Static rollers exert pressure on the material through their own weight, while vibratory rollers increase the compaction effect through vibrations generated by vibrating wheels.

So what is the general operating process of a road roller?

1. Check equipment: Before use, check whether all components of the roller are intact, including tire pressure, oil level, clutch, braking system, etc.

2. Start the engine: Start the roller according to the manufacturer;s guidelines.

3. Operating equipment: When operating a road roller, the appropriate speed and compaction method should be selected based on the compacted materials and project requirements.

4. Compaction operation: During the compaction process, a uniform speed should be maintained and sharp turns or stops should be avoided to ensure the compaction effect.

5. Monitoring instruments: During the operation, instrument readings should be monitored at any time, and any abnormalities should be dealt with in a timely manner.

These are the general operating procedures. Special machines must be operated according to specific instructions.

So summer is here, how to maintain the road roller?

1. Check the cooling system: Make sure the cooling system is working properly, check the level and quality of the coolant, and replace the coolant if necessary.

2. Clean the radiator: Due to the amount of dust in summer, the radiator is easily clogged and needs to be cleaned regularly to ensure good heat dissipation.

3. Lubricating system inspection: High temperature may accelerate the deterioration of lubricating oil. The viscosity and oil level of lubricating oil should be checked regularly and replaced with new oil if necessary.

4.Tire inspection: Check whether the tire pressure meets the regulations to avoid excessive high or low pressure caused by high temperature.

5. Hydraulic system maintenance: Check the oil level and quality of the hydraulic oil, replace the hydraulic oil if necessary, and ensure there is no leakage in the hydraulic system.

6. Electrical system inspection: High temperatures may affect the performance of electrical systems. Check wires, connectors, and electrical components for aging or damage.

7. Engine maintenance: Regularly replace engine oil and filters to ensure that the engine can maintain good working condition even under high temperatures.

8. Brake system inspection: Check the wear of the brake system and the level of brake fluid to ensure the reliability of the brake system.

9. Avoid long-term continuous operation: At high temperatures, the roller should not be operated continuously for a long time. It should be stopped in time to allow the machine to cool down.

10.Storage environment: If possible, try to store the roller in a cool place to avoid direct exposure to the sun.

11. Cab maintenance: Check whether the air conditioning system in the cab is working properly to ensure that operators can work comfortably even under high temperatures.

12. Routine cleaning: The roller should be cleaned after each use to avoid the accumulation of mud and debris, which will help detect potential problems in time.

Through these maintenance measures, you can ensure that the road roller can maintain good working condition even in high temperature environments in summer and extend the service life of the machine.

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