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Several ways for novices to improve work efficiency when operating an excavator.

Date: Jun 12, 2024 Views:

1. Correct posture

In the ordinary digging action, many novices often make a mistake, that is, the bucket teeth of the bucket are always inserted into the soil in an incorrect position, giving the impression that they are 

being penetrated into the soil. In fact, the correct posture should be to insert the bucket teeth into the soil, which will penetrate deeper into the soil and save more fuel. After digging to a certain

 depth, you then engage in hook fighting and finally lift the arm. This is a standard set of digging movements. In addition, when excavating, the bucket rod cylinder should be used mainly, and the 

boom cylinder should be supplemented. The angle of the bucket teeth should be adjusted according to the specific conditions on site, and the angle with the ground should not be too small.

2. Avoid redundant movements

When you need to swing to load the truck, be sure not to make any other unnecessary movements after lifting the bucket. Only make swing movements. This will not only make the swing faster, but also will not shake off the sand and soil in the bucket. In addition, try to fill the bucket with one bucket. If every bucket is full, a lot of time can be saved.

3. Maintain a certain angle

Many novices like to keep the bucket parallel to the ground when turning. This is actually a wrong move. Because if the turning speed is fast, this action can easily cause the sand to be thrown out of the bucket due to inertia. It is best to keep the bucket at an angle to the ground. This will not cause leakage of sand and soil, but will also save time during dumping.

4. Pay attention when encountering hard ground

When encountering relatively hard soil, first dig a pit with the same depth as the required digging, and then dig outward along the edge of the pit. You can also use the bucket teeth to cut the soil a few times, and then dig it all up with a shovel. , which can save a lot of time and improve work efficiency.

5. Make good use of inertia

When unloading soil, many novices like to dump the soil only by opening the bucket, but in fact this is a very inefficient action. This action not only slows down the soil, but also causes the soil to be unloaded uncleanly. . Even if you continue to shake and empty the soil, it will take a lot of unnecessary time. The correct posture for unloading soil should be to retract the bucket first, then quickly open it, and use inertia to throw the sand out. This can not only improve the efficiency of soil unloading, but also make the unloading cleaner.

Although the above five points are the most commonly used basic movements of excavators in daily operations, there are many details in them, and many novice excavators may not master them all. As the saying goes, details determine success or failure. Only by paying attention to details in work and constantly accumulating and summarizing can you grow faster.

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