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Several common usage problems of bulldozers

Date: May 25, 2024 Views:

Some common faults you may encounter when using a bulldozer and their solutions are as follows:

1. The engine is difficult to start or cannot start:

Solution: Check whether the fuel system is smooth, whether the battery has enough power, and whether the spark plug is working properly.

2. Hydraulic system leakage:

Solution: Find the leak and replace the damaged seal or line.

3. The bulldozer is weak or unable to walk:

Solution: Check the gearbox oil level and quality, and check the tension of the drive wheels and tracks.

4. Braking system failure:

Solution: Check the brake pedal, brake cylinder and brake drum, and adjust or replace if necessary.

5. Difficulty steering:

Solution: Check the steering system fluid, clean or replace the steering pump and cylinder.

6. Engine overheating:

Solution: Check whether the cooling system is blocked, whether the radiator is clean, and whether there is enough coolant.

7. Electrical system failure (such as lights not working, instruments not working):

Solution: Check fuses, relays and wiring connections, and replace damaged parts if necessary.

8. Difficulty adjusting dozer blades or blades:

Solution: Check the hydraulic oil line and control valve to ensure that the hydraulic oil is clean and the system is not blocked.

9. Improper track tension:

Solution: Adjust the track tensioner to ensure that the track is correctly tensioned.

10. Abnormal engine noise:

Solution: Check internal engine parts, such as pistons, crankshafts and bearings, and repair or replace them if necessary.

11. Fuel consumption is too high:

Solution: Optimize operating habits, ensure the engine is in good maintenance, and check the fuel injection system.

12. Lubrication system problems (such as oil leaks or low pressure):

Solution: Check the engine oil level, replace the engine oil and oil filter, and check the oil pan and oil pipe for leaks.

13. Black smoke from the exhaust:

Solution: Check whether the air filter is clogged and adjust the fuel injection system.

14. Bulldozer shakes or vibrates:

Solution: Check the engine suspension system for unbalanced or loose parts.

15. The operating lever or control lever is not responsive:

Solution: Check the control rod connection and hydraulic system, and adjust or repair if necessary.

If there is a problem when using the machine, don’t panic as soon as possible. Find the most suitable solution to the problem.

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